Weight Loss Goal (Help me organize?) -
July 17th 2009, 04:47 AM
I want to lose weight. I am tired of being tired, and big.
I will use this thread to keep logs of progress and things. I will be updating daily and sometimes hourly.
Before I begin, is there anyone that can help me organize?
My situation:
My house really has no healthy foods, and my parents are always cooking fatty things, and buying fatty things. I don't wanna be mean and say no, so I just eat it. Every time I say "buy healthy things" they always put it off. Also I have nowhere to really run, but I have my yard and my neighbors yard. It just feels awkward when I try to excersise, like people are watching me, saying "haha look at fatass!"
So before I begin, can someone help me out? Thanks!!
Last edited by impuLsive; July 17th 2009 at 07:47 AM.