No one needs to find a passage such as that. Marriage isn’t religious anymore. People get married who aren’t Christian all of the time, even people who aren’t religious. So first of all, I don’t care what God said. But second of all, until very recently, (despite what the Bible says) love DIDN’T have to be a part of marriage. In Europe many marriages were arrangements almost like treaties between two countries. Marriage comes along with a lot of benefits, yes it’s about love but marriage isn’t just a piece of paper with some words.
The "marriage for love" thing is actually a pretty new development - and not a very religious one either. No one cared about love when my grandparents married.
In addition to that, there's marriage rites (or similar things) in every known culture of the past and present... originating mostly from political or economical reasons. The fact that we connect marriage with religion rather has to do with the development of culture rather than marriage being a solely religious matter - religion for a long time has been the "frame" of culture and that's why there's so many ceremonies.
Let’s assume that were true, and that marriage existed ONLY in places where Christianity existed. Even if it were true, just because it originated as a Christian sacrament doesn’t mean it should be treated as one now, because it is NOT anymore. Also, marriage is just a word. If not for the bible, it would certainly still exist.
But unfortunately, everything I just said was hypothetical, because marriage did NOT originate as a Christian sacrament. Before the Europeans came to the Americas, do you think the native Americans were carrying around bibles? NO! Do you honestly believe that marriage was something that only existed in Europe? Marriage predates recorded history, and the native Americans had marriage! “It is highly unlikely that the basic concept of holding a ceremony to commemorate a life partnership began in any one culture.” I couldn’t have said that any better. Come on. Marriage is not a Christian institution, just because it is talked about in an old book does not mean that said old book created it or that it originated in said book. That’s completely wrong.
See above. There's marriage or joining/bonding rites in every culture. It's not christian.
My own two cents? YAY for gay marriage. They (We? Last word's not spoken on that one yet) definitely have the right to marry,