12:59 AM [ByTheKilowatt] mhm.
12:59 AM [prettygirl] im out.(: q'niqht.
12:59 AM [ByTheKilowatt] night night.
12:59 AM [NuHalo] and they can go invisible as well
12:59 AM [NuHalo] but that isnt a color

12:59 AM [ByTheKilowatt] mhm.
12:59 AM [ByTheKilowatt] lol. clearly
1:00 AM [NuHalo] lol, was that a pun?
1:00 AM [ByTheKilowatt] hah!
1:00 AM [ByTheKilowatt] not intended, but nice.
1:00 AM [NuHalo]