If you find yourself coming too close to wanting to harm yourself, don't be shy to call a help line in your area. Anything that deals with emergency suicide prevention. Don't hold back if you need someone to talk to at that moment in time.
[HERE] is a list of hotline numbers you can use. Right now, just do what you can to get through the days. You have less than a week. Keep yourself busy and try to be around people when you can. Don't give up on yourself, especially when help is so close. We're all here to pull you to Thursday. You have a whole site behind you. Utilize all the options we have here. Check out the sticky
Hold On To Hope.
Try to do what you can to pull through and keep going. Suicide isn't the answer to how to fix this, I know you know that or else you wouldn't be reaching out. There are things that can be fixed and you'll feel better. Just hang on and rely on friends to help you for now. Take care of yourself and if you're ever wanting to give up, send me a
PM. :]