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Re: Belief in God without Religion? -
July 11th 2009, 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Concrete Girl
I've been thinking for awhile, that my doubts in God may not be doubts in God, but just rejection of the Christian faith in general, if that makes sense. My question, though, is can you believe in the Christian God but not be a Christian? For instance, I do not believe people who commit suicide go to Hell (which is a Christian belief) instead, I'm leaning towards believing they are simply immediately reincarnated, whereas those who do not commit suicide have the choice to be reincarnated or continue on to Heaven. I guess you could say that I'm kind of following my own beliefs, but they're not really common beliefs of the Christian Faith.
Does God mind if you mix and match beliefs? Do you have to part of a certain Religion? If you believe in the Christian God that doesn't made you a definite Christian, does it? I want to and always will believe in God, but I despise the Christian faith. Does that make any sense?
So anyway, I just want some input on all of this crap, so I figured, TH should be the perfect place for input on something like this.
Haha, you sound alot like the way i used to think before God finally came it my life. I was totally against the labeling of "Christian" and yet I was looking for something. I've driven through lots of bummpy roads in my life and one day i really crashed. I needed help and lots of it. (although at the time I didn't really believe in God, i doubted alot) But God has revealed himself to me and i am a strong believer now. It's not about the label, God is God no matter what you call yourself and if you want your life to turn around for the better, all it takes is giving God a chance to enter your life. I used to be really stubborn and would reject listening to anything about church, Jesus, and God. I didn't want anything to do with it because I thought the whole idea was a method of brainwash and pointing fingers at bad people.
It is true that sometimes you find "Christians" who are less than ideal. But we have to remember that we are all human and we all make mistakes. God doesn't ask us to be perfect. All He ask is for us to love Him the way He has always loved us. Although a life living for God does come with some cost attached. It's not an easy life, I can tell you that. But in the end I can guarantee you it's all worth it. The biggest and hardest thing we have to do in order to truly survive in this world is have faith in God.
Faith. That's a big word. What does it mean exactly. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. We get so used to living a life where everything appeals to at least one of our five senses, that we come to the conclusion that if we can't see it, hear it, smell it, feel it, or taste it, then it's probably not real. And at first glance God doesn't seem to apply to any of those senses. But I tell you something, if you give Him a try and truly call out to Him with all your heart, He will come to you and soon you will be able to see him. You will be able to hear him, and you will most definately be able to feel Him. But it takes faith. Faith that he exist, faith that he loves us, and faith that his word is true.
The bible is his word. I know it's a hard concept to grasp. It took me a while to trust it too. No, there isn't any hardcore evidence saying that the bible is really God's word, other than what the bible says itself. But if that's something that you still doubt, ask God for an answer. You can talk to him. The same way you talk to any other friend. God WILL listen and he will answer. Maybe not literally with a great big voice, but he'll show you in other ways. You just have to be patient, keep your eyes and ears open, and and most important of all.... have faith.
The fact that your asking questions is a good thing. Your searching for answers and I can confidently tell you "everyone who asks recieves; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
Keep looking for answers, if you truly want to know more about God, the truth will be revealed. It's not about the names of "religion" but the relationship you have with God.
God Bless
your friend,
Last edited by Protege; July 12th 2009 at 05:12 PM.