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Name: Laura
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Re: Belief in God without Religion? - July 11th 2009, 10:59 PM

Originally Posted by Concrete Girl View Post
I've been thinking for awhile, that my doubts in God may not be doubts in God, but just rejection of the Christian faith in general, if that makes sense. My question, though, is can you believe in the Christian God but not be a Christian? For instance, I do not believe people who commit suicide go to Hell (which is a Christian belief) instead, I'm leaning towards believing they are simply immediately reincarnated, whereas those who do not commit suicide have the choice to be reincarnated or continue on to Heaven. I guess you could say that I'm kind of following my own beliefs, but they're not really common beliefs of the Christian Faith.

Does God mind if you mix and match beliefs? Do you have to part of a certain Religion? If you believe in the Christian God that doesn't made you a definite Christian, does it? I want to and always will believe in God, but I despise the Christian faith. Does that make any sense?

So anyway, I just want some input on all of this crap, so I figured, TH should be the perfect place for input on something like this.
Obviously, many devout/fundamentalist Christians would be against you, but if you don't like the Christian faith to begin with then it probably won't matter to you.

Your beliefs and practices are completely up to you. If you believe in God but you aren't religious, that's okay!

On a more personal note, I think it's really cool that you're figuring things out for yourself. Good luck!

"How dare I? Because it is the truth." -Jane Eyre

"You do what you love, and f#%* the rest." -Little Miss Sunshine