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Re: Belief in God without Religion? - July 11th 2009, 04:16 AM

Originally Posted by onion View Post
Gravity is rational because we know it to be real. What if we were born on a planet where gravity did not exist? Someone discovers a planet with gravity and says "there is this place where you are held down to the grown and you do not float around" because we have not seen this we chose to ignore this statement or we believe in it because of Faith.
That's absurd! All planets have gravity.

God made creation perfect, man decided to stray from God. Just like Jamie. God allows us to make our own choices. If you have a kid, you can guide it and tell it what to do, but ultimately it is that kids choice to do what he or she wants to do, not yours. Though you desire for them to do the right thing, you allow them to make their own choices.
Perfect things do not spawn imperfection. If imperfection does not exist, nothing can be imperfect. If evil does not exist, nothing can be evil. That's like saying two dogs mated and spawned an animal that never existed...

I am truly amazed you can say that God is irrational. If you truthfully believe all of this is coincidence, that is foolish. Simply learn about DNA and it's complexity, to say there is no creator is ridiculous.
I prefer coincidence. Even if there were a higher power, how are we to know it's the Christian God?

Let me ask you, I want to build a car:
I put all the pieces required to build this car and all the tools in a garage to make this car. Billions of years pass by, eventually will this car create itself? No. It needs a creator.
I don't want you to reply to this because it's off topic. But, so you never ever say this ever again... A car cannot pull itself together because it's not a living, growing organism... Living growing organisms can pull themselves together.