Originally Posted by Concrete Girl
In a way, I can see where you are coming from. But at the same time, there's proof of most of the things that scientists have come up with. It's much easier to have faith in something when you can see it with your own eyes. I don't know about you, but at times it seems easier to believe that there was a so called "big bang" than to believe that a random man somehow came into existence and created everything that we see. And what about the other planets? How come they are not mentioned in the bible? Where did they come from? You'd think that if God created those as well, they would be mentioned. Would it be more likely that the Earth was created by the same thing as those other planets were created by, or that Earth was the only planet created by 'God' ? What it all comes down to, for a lot of people, is fact. And be honest, there are far more facts that prove scientists believe to be true than Christian's beliefs. You can say that it all comes down to believing that some things can not be seen, as I have heard a million times before, but the truth is that humans are always more likely to believe in the thing that has more fact, and more proof. Therefore, if there is a God, I would assume he would know these things, as he created us to begin with. Which is why I do not think God is going to send someone to Hell for not believing in him, for not being a Christian. If God created everything, he created science as well - if he didn't want people to turn away from him because Science was more believable, he should not have created it to begin with.
I really do grieve for you. I can tell that you are struggling with what to believe and I can tell God is at work in you. You are questioning the very things I question before I came saved. Let me answer some of these for you.
1. Yes it is much easier to believe in something with proof. But faith is another matter. Dictionary.com describes Faith as this: "belief that is not based on proof". Faith in science or religion is all based on proof, yes there's facts of both, yes science has more facts. This is why being Christian is on Faith.
2. Yes it is easier to put a belief in something with more facts. The bible says "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it" Matthew 7:13. Through this verse we can assume the people going to Heaven will not be many. So based off what you heard about humans like to believe what is based with facts, is true. But the question I ask is, how do you know your facts are facts? You don't, you believe what you hear, and what schools teach. I'm not saying some of these are true but I will show you what I mean in a minute. And I will agree with you this argument goes both ways, however I personally believe that science and every religion is simply there to avoid God. They want answers against God, so they say well because of this and this, there is no God. When in reality God is evident and factual through His creation. Again I will show you an example about the big bang in a minute.
3. The Bible does say God created other planets:
Genesis 1:14-16 (New American Standard Bible)
14Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;
15and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so.
16God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also.
3. God created man to have a relationship with Him but we are born into darkness so we invent all these other means to escape being with God because we "love darkness rather than light".
"This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil." John 3:19 this is what we will be judged upon. We love the Light or we love darkness.
4. Now I would go into more detail then this person does but I ask you to look at this link
http://www.tangle.com/view_video.php...0c5940458979d5 although I disagree with some of venomfangx arguments I believe he explains this very well, and I suggest you watch it.
Originally Posted by Xujhan
Someone presents the same argument: "I don't believe the world is flat. If I were to walk forever in a straight line, would I not fall off the edge of the world because I don't believe there is one? No, I would fall, because the point is that the edge is still there. You may chose not to believe that it is, but this does not eliminate the fact that it is there."
Would you say they are correct?
This is a straw man argument. My argument is for the sake that just because you chose to believe one way or another does not eliminate the fact that something exists. Perhaps try rewording it, but by the way I am absorbing this information it is a straw man argument.
However, my argument is simply based off my Faith. I believe that I am saved because I was living in what Christian's would call a lot of sin, possibly more sin than a lot of people on this board, but I am not here to brag or get into details of what this sin was. One day I had a desire to go to church, I went to church and started questioning religion, I tried to find answers for a lot of the same questions you are asking. I continued to live in sin, and then I eventually came to a point where I was ready to make a change because I saw that my life was going no where, and I had nothing to lose. As soon as I confessed to God and put my faith into Him, my desires completely changed. Immediately. I no longer had the same desires, although I do struggle with it, my life is completely changed. And this is why I believe what I do.
Before I knew I was going to hell, I believed I would go to hell because of my sin. Now like the bible says the spirit confirms with my spirit and I know there is a Heaven.
I truly grieve for a lot of you and if any of you have questions I will try to help you and I will pray for all of you.
I do not want to continue arguing not because I am flustered, but because of what the Bible tells me to do in situations like these. I will continue to answer any questions if you guys want to
PM me, but I wish to not argue with you guys anymore. I do think all of you have valid points, but I ultimately believe in my Faith, and am willing to allow God to use me in anyway to direct you into Salvation.
Just please I urge you to question yourselves, can you not see that the things of things of this earth do not matter? They will one day all disapear. Whether its your death, the destruction of this earth, whatever you want to believe it all goes away. The things of God are eternal, and I really have a sadness for the way you guys reject it. I was once where you are and I will continue to pray for all of you. I just wish to no longer argue because I know ultimately it is God who will work through you, and not myself.
If you have any question please
PM me.