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Re: Belief in God without Religion? - July 10th 2009, 11:49 PM

Originally Posted by onion View Post
Also referring to Annoni's post to clear it up in a simple paragraph: the punishment is our sins, God is a judge not a punisher. Satan is the creator of all evil, read Genesis 3, we chose to follow Satan instead of God, therefore are separated and ALREADY JUDGED into damnation. God however, offered a plan for Salvation (the death of His son) to save us from this punishment, so you're calling God a evil punisher, when Satan was the one who caused this punishment and God died for us so we don't have to deal with this eternal punishment.
God created Satan. I'm still wondering how an omnibenevolent being even has the ability to create evil.

Why are we pre-judged?

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
No, God's way of asking is more like, "You have every right to disobey me, because you have free will. Although, if you do, know that Satan is waiting to ravage you in sin, and I cannot tolerate to be with sin."
It's an offer for life, not a choice between life and death. There is a slim difference, and it means a lot.
A choice of life and death is exactly what it is. If one doesn't choose God, one dies.

Okay, the analogy is more like this... Two guys are standing next to you, one with a gun. The other says, "You have every right to follow me or disobey me. If you decide to disobey me, this guy is going to shoot you."

There is a bit more to the story than that. And God did not actually ask Him to lie, all Abraham said is God will provide the offering, and guess what? God did, and it was not His son. Kinda cool.
For Abraham, the Bible said it was a relief and a gift to both, as it was also shown to Isaac belonged to God.
Let's face it. God told Abraham to kill his son. Abraham lied to Isaac to get the kid the rest of the way to the sacrifice without having to forcefully drag him there.

Of course it was a relief. On the other hand, if I were Isaac, I'd be a little skeptical of my father, who was completely willing to kill me... A sane person wouldn't kill their child, regardless of who asked.

Last edited by Lisa111; July 11th 2009 at 12:00 AM. Reason: Multiple posts have been merged automatically.