Originally Posted by Lisa111
Yet hundreds of thousands of Christians "choose" to ignore the rather unpleasant parts of the Bible. Like how to sell your daughter, or how to beat your slave, or how to stone an unruly citizen.
God is a jealous god. Basically he's saying, love me above all us and do exactly as I say without question, or I'll send you to an eternity of pain and suffering. Hmm...
Christian's do ignore parts of the Bible, because they are human... and we won't be free from our sin nature until death. The bits a pieces you are referring to are parables, examples, and old testament law. We are under the new testament law now because we have the Messiah (Jesus).
God is a jealous God. He want's you to have Him in every aspect of your life and praise Him because He is the one that gives and takes away. When you become saved this isn't a burden, this is what you like to do. It's hard to comprehend I know, because I was once in your position. He wants us to enjoy our lives, and I am telling you, if you follow Him, you will be happier than anything on this earth could possibly ever make you, yes there are tribulations, Job is an example of this but our eternity is so much greater. God isn't saying follow me or be destroyed, He is saying you have chosen your own way so you WILL be destroyed, and you need a Savior to escape this destruction, which is Jesus. A way to look at this is, God made creation, so we love Him for His creation and His love for us. An example, a mom has a baby. Now when the baby is born we tend to get caught up in the creation of the baby and how cute it is and how perfect it is. Yet we respect the mother and father because they are the creators of the baby, and ultimately we respect the mother and father more, because without either one of them the baby would never be born. Just like with God, without Him creation is impossible. We love His creation but ultimately we should love Him for creating it, not the things of it. Or a candy bar, say you love reeses, well your obsessed with the candy bar, and often times forget that someone created this for you to enjoy. Its the same concept of God.
The Bible says if you commit one sin, you have commited all sins. Imagine if this was the structure the law was based off of. E.G. You steal a candy bar, and get caught. Now you broke the law. You are guilty of murder, rape, stealing, so on and so forth, you would be greatly punished. God is the creator of all, and His laws are more perfect than anything the human mind can grasp or create. So if you disobeys God's law you can assume there will be a greater punishment then any man can grasp or create as well.
As Human's it is hard to accept this, but God came to earth, He performed miracles and helped thousands of people. Because He helped them and claimed to be the Son of God, we (humans) all crucified Him. We killed our creator, and He did absolutely nothing wrong. We mocked Him, and He didn't save Himself because it was the will of the Father that He be put to death by humans, and raised again. Jesus in fact asked for the Father to forgive all of mankind while he was being mocked and crucified and beaten, because even though we forsaken Him; He wanted to save us. I agree as being a Human this is hard to comprehend, why didn't He just save everyone? I don't know. I will find out when I get to Heaven. But I do know He died for everyone and man has a responsibility to be reconciled back to God. And for me this is greater than any love that has ever been shown to anyone on this earth. A perfect creator, dying for imperfect humans. The Bible says "large is the gate to distruction, narrow is the path to the Kingdom of God", which shows the majority of you will more than likely disagree with everything I say because as humans we try to understand God's ways but it is beyond us. This is why we have Faith.