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Name: Lisa
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Re: Belief in God without Religion? - July 10th 2009, 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by onion View Post
The thing about Christianity is you cannot pick and chose what and what not to believe. It's either all true or none of it is true. You either believe God, or you believe He is a liar. I can tell you I believe God, because for me there is to much evidence of His existence to call Him a liar, when the book is the WORD of God. So to eliminate any part of the Bible is eliminating what God Himself said.
Yet hundreds of thousands of Christians "choose" to ignore the rather unpleasant parts of the Bible. Like how to sell your daughter, or how to beat your slave, or how to stone an unruly citizen.

God is perfect. Hell is what we deserve, when you become Saved or come to the realization for you need of a Savior it because evident that this is what we deserve. God created the world to have a relationship with Him. Because He gave man a free will, man chose to sin against Him, and therefore we separated ourselves eternally from God, and He calls us to be reconciled back to Him, which is why He came down to earth in the form of a human so that we could have a one time sacrifice to be reconciled back to Him and share the relationship with God that we were supposed to have. A lot of people say "oh well if God sends us to hell then He doesn't love us, He is not perfect". This is because you are choosing to love darkness, you don't realize everything wrong that you have done. You have committed a capital crime against your creator. In life when you commit a crime, are we not punished? Hell is our punishment for our Sins.
God is a jealous god. Basically he's saying, love me above all us and do exactly as I say without question, or I'll send you to an eternity of pain and suffering. Hmm...