Originally Posted by Christinaa317o8
Personaly, I think that some things in this world are out of God's control. I don't think that he has POWER over everything because I refuse to believe that he would let the beautiful world he created to be peaceful end up to be a world of murders drugs and rapes. Then again, the very first sins occured between adam and eve not long after he created the world.
So you're saying he's not all-powerful, he's just a very powerful god? Would you also think he is present everywhere or not?
Originally Posted by Christinaa317o8
I don't think he has such a big problem with sin as Annoni makes him out to have. We're all born with "original sin" aren't we?
I think this matters on whether you're going by the new or old testament. In the old one, he does have a much larger issue with it. Even if you go by a more metaphorical interpretation than a literal one, with the old there's still much more emphasis on punishment.
Originally Posted by Christinaa317o8
All in all, the bible as well as God is too complex for a lot of us to understand. God created the bible, in my opinion, to create diversity in beliefs. So that he could be preceived in different, but EQUAL ways. We don't worship him in equal ways, but we do see him in countless different ways and I truly do not think that he cares.
Why do you think god made the bible? After all, isn't it said the bible was written in the word of god, which doesn't necessarily mean he wrote the thing.
The bold part confuses me. If he's perceived differently yet equally, how does that work? Also, how does that play into him being worshiped unequally?
As for him not caring, I suppose I would agree with you on that.
Originally Posted by Christinaa317o8
I think he does love us unconditionaly, but like I said I still don't think he has time to control everyone's future and plans. I don't think he can cure everyone's suffering and I don't think he's sent enough angels to help. But he still does love us all, he created man.
Why does he not have time? You're suggesting he's not all-powerful and not everywhere, so he's not perfect. I have to now wonder, what is your definition of him?
Originally Posted by Christinaa317o8
I think that the OP's belief of Hell isn't quite logical. Hell is not made of fire and burning flames and what not. People who have killed and murdered endlessly go to hell. They don't stay there forever though, that's why there's reincarnation. To me, hell would be a place that consists of misery for those to go who were never sorry and never felt any remorse for what they did wrong. However, those who do commit horrible sins and find God and his forgivness, they are given another chance to go to Heaven. But Hell DOES exists.
You said at the beginning of your post that you have your own idea of the belief, which is fine and you even go as far as to say people have their own beliefs and have no issue with that. But then you shoot down the
OP's idea of hell... . Sort of doesn't fit with you allowing people to interpret the belief and have their own ideas.