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Re: Belief in God without Religion? - July 10th 2009, 02:30 PM

From what I get out of it, the idea of Christianity is to practice peace, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, being grateful for the life you've been granted, etc... . If god were a person, I don't think he'd have too big of a problem if you don't do everything as outlined in the bible as long as you still adhere to the philosophy and moral teachings of the belief. I can see many reasons why you may dislike Christianity, as I suppose one may be the over-emphasis on punishment and very little on grace and mercy.

It is your belief so you shouldn't think that you cannot believe in it because of what a certain belief says. You can in a way mix and match bits and pieces to personalize your belief. Theoretically, you could believe in the christian god, Vishnu and worship Satan all in one go if you wanted to.

Originally Posted by Annoni
Mmhmm, He's perfect.
Oh how I smile whenever I read that. There is a very big problem you face when you say something or someone is perfect at everything, which is his perfection at imperfection. You may laugh at this but it is true, if he is to be perfect at everything, then that must by logic include being perfect at imperfection.

Originally Posted by Annoni
But listen to this: Sin is detestable to Him. He is holy, and absolutely cannot stand sin. To be in the presence of sin is not something He can do, He must be separated from it.
With the above idea in mind and the fact that god committed many sins, I don't think he has too much of a problem with it. One main verse that shows this is:

“The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Galatians 5:19-21)
It does not matter if god hates the sin of the person or the person in general, it is hatred and dislike either way. As you are quite familiar with the bible, I'm sure you know more than one passage where god's rage and fury was mentioned.

Before you quote this and try to give some argument against it, bare in mind the initial thing I said, for him to be perfect, he must be perfect at imperfection. The obvious counter to that argument is that he is perfect only at "good things", however, that is not what is mentioned nor is that what you mentioned.

Originally Posted by Annoni
And God does love you no matter what! Even while you are turning against Him and uttering curses against Him, He will always love you, but for the people that are not saved by the price of sin that Jesus paid on the cross in blood, they cannot be with God in Heaven.
This is where I get very skeptical. If a god were to show unconditional love, then why not let all of his creations into his wonderful place of joy and such? Why have a place set up simply for punishment in some form? I find it rather hard to wrap my head around the idea that he loves you unconditionally even while he decides for you to suffer endlessly.

Originally Posted by Annoni
So, we cannot be with God is we are not pure. Yet there is sin in the world!
Jesus is our answer to salvation here. The blood he paid on the cross removes our burdens, removes our sins, washes us clean and pure, pleasing to God to have a relationship in Heaven with.
The bold shows a contradiction. Somewhere in the bible, I forget which verse, it says the idea that one is lying to themselves and to god when they say that they have not committed sins and are pure. You're saying that Jesus can make us pure but unfortunately, you then say we cannot be with god because we are not pure... . See how that doesn't work?