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Re: Belief in God without Religion? - July 10th 2009, 10:25 AM

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
Okay, now there is a difference between maker and Creator. In the original language, God creates, but the word for create means something more towards create from nothing; create something new without anything for materials etc. You are making a sandwich; you having starting materials. God didn't. He is theCreator, all things were made through Him.
All right I see your point. Still doesn't convince me that he's my father. He's my creator.

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
Nope. Weren't we sorta talking about how we have the will to do what we want? She could've lost interest, and also, sin is a huge temptation and a rather easy one. Everyone sins.
We do have the will to do what we want. And honestly, if she wanted to be a whore than LET her. If it's what makes her happy...I don't believe God should judge her for that. She is in the right by doing what she pleases....

And what is a sin? I'll go more in-depth into that later because I feel it's more appropriate there.

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
We both know where I can go with this, I think. He gave life, He is surely responsible for it.
I believe he created life so it could take care of itself. Life is meant to flourish and go on it's own, not be tampered with like the Christian God apparently does.

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
Short story that was supposed to be extrapolated to include the 6 bil, plus all the rest that have already died before. He honestly wants us all to turn our hearts to Him. Does He know it won't happen? Obviously, since sin is a choice for everyone, and so is salvation, and a lot of people choose no salvation and rejoice in sin. But He still yearns for it, and it pains Him because of the unfathomable love He holds for each person.
A reasonable God would know that not everyone would follow him. I agree here. But I don't believe he yearns for anything, because he wants us to live our lives the way we see fit.

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
That's you though. You aren't perfect. By His very nature, God is perfect, He is not faulted, so a child turning to sin instead of salvation is not God's, the Father's, fault.
So even by his faulty "parenting" he's still perfect? Doesn't make sense to me.

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
It's actually a debate among Christians. Take it this way. Who was the most sinful man to ever walk the earth?
Jesus. He takes all the sin off of whoever believes in Him and has a heart for him.
What is detestable to God?
You can figure that out.

Also, Jesus did cry out to God asking if there was any other way, and if there was, to do it. Apparently, there was no other way.
If God was all powerful as they so say, there would have been another way.

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
He is not human, but we are in his image. If He was purely human, I think I might have some doubts too, since that would mean He is vulnerable to sin I guess.
Again, the WRITERS (ancient peeps) of the Bible say we are in his image but....Yeah, you see where this is going.

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
But if what makes you happy is detestable - sin - to Him, then is it pleasing for Him? No. Our desires will always be somewhat sinful here, therefore, being just, our God will not tolerate sin because He is holy and cannot stand sin, so it is much better to worship and be holy than to eventually fall into sin, as we would.

It makes Him a just God that cannot tolerate sin, and therefore, according to the Bible, weeping and gnashing of teeth await you.
I want to talk a little more about sin here, as I think here it would be more appropriate.

Here is what I believe...Ok, IF there is a God (I said in my first post I'm playing Devil's Advocate a little on you, so what do I really believe?) I would think he would be NEITHER all good, nor all bad. He just IS. Why? Because when he created life, I don't believe he had a complete set standards on what "right" and "wrong" was. Because when you eliminate the human conscious from the Earth....Is there such a thing as morals? When our planet was just a barren wasteland and water and rocks where there morals? No. So how did "sins" and "right" and "wrong" come about? In short, HUMANS came up with it so we could have a functioning stable society. Who is to say that us and God have the same exact idea of what right and wrong is?

So I don't believe God would view everything as black and white. That this is a "sin" and that isn't. I believe God would look at what you did through YOUR eyes. If you were true to your core, and honestly believed that what you were doing was right, I believe you would be rewarded (I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, so I can't say what happens because it's impossible to know).

However, I believe that a reasonable God would have SOME standards by how he would want others to live...But I believe the most important thing would be to respect his creation. Including life. Would a God want someone going around destroying everything he created? No, he reasonably wouldn't like that.

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
He wants that life to love Him. If you had a child, you would want the child to love you.

All things were created through him, for him, and by him.
Again, I don't view him as my father. I don't believe "loving" him is necessary, but I PERSONALLY believe that the LEAST you should do is to be grateful for this life. I never viewed the relationship between me and God as parallel between parent and child....But I believe our relationship with each other is a good one. This is just me though.

And you want the child to love you. If it doesn't, are you going to kill it and send it into a burning pit of hell for all eternity?

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
Nope. He'd be surrounded by his angels, which would be worshiping Him. Funny how that works out.
Ok...He'd be surrounded by his worshipping angels with his thumb up his ass. Better?

Still...I feel bad for those angels. Eternity of worship? That's got to suck ass.