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Re: Belief in God without Religion? - July 10th 2009, 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by Lugez View Post
I'd send you coffee if I could. Your response seemed like it took awhile.
Don't drink too much coffee, though it might've been nice

Not jealous, but more childish to me. There's a huge difference between a Father, and a Creator. He is my creator, not my father.

I created this delicious ham sandwich....But I wouldn't say I'm it's father since I created it....That'd be really strange..
Okay, now there is a difference between maker and Creator. In the original language, God creates, but the word for create means something more towards create from nothing; create something new without anything for materials etc. You are making a sandwich; you having starting materials. God didn't. He is theCreator, all things were made through Him.

I view this scenario is that DAD'S fault, not the daughter's. If he would have raised her in the PROPER manner, than she wouldn't want to whore herself. He clearly did something wrong with his parenting if the daughter didn't care enough to even stay with him. He clearly did something wrong if she did what she did....I demand the whole story!
Nope. Weren't we sorta talking about how we have the will to do what we want? She could've lost interest, and also, sin is a huge temptation and a rather easy one. Everyone sins.

Plus, this is assuming that God was the one responsible for my upbringing. As far as I recall, my parents were the ones that raised me, not some God.
We both know where I can go with this, I think. He gave life, He is surely responsible for it.

Also, do remember that when it comes to God, he doesn't have 1 daugher. He has, um, over 6 BILLION children apparently. Is he honestly expecting every single one of them to turn to his will? Yeah, I want to slap a unicorn's ass, but you know what, I know it will NEVER happen. He's dreaming if he expects that much out of everyone.
Short story that was supposed to be extrapolated to include the 6 bil, plus all the rest that have already died before. He honestly wants us all to turn our hearts to Him. Does He know it won't happen? Obviously, since sin is a choice for everyone, and so is salvation, and a lot of people choose no salvation and rejoice in sin. But He still yearns for it, and it pains Him because of the unfathomable love He holds for each person.

One more point....If I were a parent, I would personally give it my all to ensure that my child lives a good life and makes good decisions. However, I understand that in the end that it is MY child's decision on what he/she wants to do with their life. If they become of age and want to whore themselves out, then that's their own decision. Sure I'll be dissapointed, but my love for them wouldn't change. It's their own life, and I would view it as a failure on MY part as a parent, not as a failure of my child. But ultimatley, I raised them so in the end they could make THEIR OWN decision, not do whatever I told them.
That's you though. You aren't perfect. By His very nature, God is perfect, He is not faulted, so a child turning to sin instead of salvation is not God's, the Father's, fault.

He rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven with body and soul...So he kinda sacrificed him...But not really. But I'll admit, I can't make a great argument because I don't really see why God HAD to sacrifice his child for us. Was that honestly the only way? Pity.
It's actually a debate among Christians. Take it this way. Who was the most sinful man to ever walk the earth?
Jesus. He takes all the sin off of whoever believes in Him and has a heart for him.
What is detestable to God?
You can figure that out.

Also, Jesus did cry out to God asking if there was any other way, and if there was, to do it. Apparently, there was no other way.

Can't really argue here, because I just view the Bible as just another book. A very influential one (I gotta respect it since an entire faith was founded upon it) but just a book. The only way this argument is going is...

Me: It was written my men..
You: Yes, but through God.
Me: Um...No..
You: Um...Yes..
Me: ....
You: .....

So we'll stop before it gets to that.
So we share something in common: Seeing that arguing can be pointless

You also throw the word "biblical" like its supposed to mean something....But sorry, this word doesn't affect me....
It was meant more for the OP, since the OP asked for the Christian God's views, thus the Bible is the best source for that.

Like I said above, the Bible was written by men...Hence, the religions based upon it are founded upon ideas of MEN, not the idea of God....But look above to see where this is going.
Point taken.

I never said we were completely restricted, and I agree we are limited. And I view miracles as the work of the world or humans, not an act of God.
Refer to point taken above.

So I should worship a divine human? Sorry, but this sounds like a God I want no association with.
He is not human, but we are in his image. If He was purely human, I think I might have some doubts too, since that would mean He is vulnerable to sin I guess.

I believe that living fully within HIS creation and treating it with respect is a much better service than actually worshipping him. A just God, in my eyes, would care MUCH more for having his creation flourish and respected. Not so much worship. Doing what makes you happy IS a way to show how grateful you are for life. I don't view worship as a way to do that...
But if what makes you happy is detestable - sin - to Him, then is it pleasing for Him? No. Our desires will always be somewhat sinful here, therefore, being just, our God will not tolerate sin because He is holy and cannot stand sin, so it is much better to worship and be holy than to eventually fall into sin, as we would.
But we see where this is going.

And I bet it does feel nice to be put above someone....But honestly, we're talking about God here. He created life, I mean what more does he want? Sounds greedy to me.
He wants that life to love Him. If you had a child, you would want the child to love you.

All things were created through him, for him, and by him.

But we see where this is going.

Originally Posted by Lugez View Post
And if it wasn't for us, God would probably be sitting in empty space with his thumb up his ass. But still, that's irrelevant.
Nope. He'd be surrounded by his angels, which would be worshiping Him. Funny how that works out.

Originally Posted by Lugez View Post
If God truly does kill me, and kills me just because I disagree with him, then that would make him a HUGE douchebag (this is the only word that comes to mind, so I'm sorry I can't think of any better).

Even so, I don't believe God kills anyone. LIFE and NATURE kills us, in the physical sense. Not God.
It makes Him a just God that cannot tolerate sin, and therefore, according to the Bible, weeping and gnashing of teeth await you.
And there's much than the physical sense. God's all after souls, not physical bodies, although they may be used as living, holy sacrifices to His will, which pleases Him.

Last edited by Annoni; July 10th 2009 at 09:18 AM. Reason: Multiple posts have been merged automatically.