I will give you simple answers based on the bible, and I can
PM you the references if you would like that, but I am not going to quote the bible word for word, just tell you what it says, and if you want the reference so you can see exactly what it say's
PM me.
1. The Bible says all people know there is a God, people reject Christianity because they don't want to be obedient to God because man "loved the darkness instead of the light" and until we turn to God we are sons/daughters of Satan (harsh but it is in the Bible). Also suicide does not send you to hell. No where in the Bible does it say this. Suicide is no more of a sin than lying to your parents, or stealing. God says if you commit one sin you are guilty of all sins. Committing suicide won't send you to hell but if we are going to be judged when we die, would committing suicide be a good way to enter God's court room?
2. Just because you believe there is a God, does not mean you are a Christian. The Bible says even Satan and the demons believe in God, but they are in hell. It's not belief in God that saves you from Hell, it's faith that Jesus will rescue it and a repentance (or turning from) your selfish and sinful ways, to follow Jesus and put Him before everything in your life, which in turn means putting EVERYONE before you. God's commands are not difficult to follow it's just our sinful nature rejecting His way. You may think that following God is too hard, and that you won't be happy. Why even think that? God INVENTED JOY, He made the world for HIM to enjoy! There is know greater joy then having a personal relationship with God. Also why would you want to be glorified 70-80 years on Earth, when you can be glorified for all of eternity if you reject yourself 80 years on earth.
3. God DOES NOT want you mixing other beliefs. The Bible is VERY clear about this, you either serve GOD, or you serve SATAN. Anything that isn't of God is from the Devil. I know this sounds very harsh but it is the truth and if you would like I will provide you several references.
So to summarize your questions,
God does not want you mixing beliefs. You chose Him, or you reject Him. There's no median.
There is no certain religion, being a Christian is not a religion or a belief. It is a personal relationship with your Savior, God. But you're FAITH relies in God's word, which is the Bible, and you should belong to a Bible believing Church. Denomination doesn't matter as long as they preach the Bible and believe its the infallible Word of God, and cannot be altered or changed by man.
If you believe in the "Christian God", no you are not saved. God asks for your repentance, and Faith in His son. And ask's you to follow Him.
You hate the Christian Faith because you love the darkness. It's in everyone's nature. So don't take this personally but you need Jesus as your Savior.
It makes sense and I am willing to help you if you would like. I will not chase after you, but I am here if you need any help, or have any further questions. I hope that you find faith in Jesus and I will pray for you.
Also about your post above about God being perfect, He is. He is more perfect than we can understand, His ways are so just that we will never comprehend why He does the things He does until we get to Heaven (if we are saved). God doesn't call us to be perfect; He calls us to repentance, when we repent God sees us as being sinless, and no matter what we do, we are perfect in God's eyes. But this freedom we are not to use to freely sin. We use it to escape from the guilt of sin, knowing that He loves us. God does intervene with the world, people just don't like accepting that. The Bible says God is sovereign and man has a free will. God has foreknowledge and controls all things, but man has a free will. This doesn't make sense in the human minds, but like I said this is just one of those things that we will wait to see when we get to Heaven. The Bible isn't based off knowledge it's based off Faith. If you try to answer it intellectually, you will have question after question after question, because the Bible is written from the mind of God which the only way to comprehend every aspect of it would to be having the mind of God. But when you become a Christian/Saved you view the bible differently, you may not understand it intellectually, but you believe it, and you know you will receive the answer one day. Look around, look at the complexity of the world, to deny a God would be foolish. And if you know God is real, and the Bible is real, why would you reject the Bible which is written by man by the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD Himself. HE says the only truth can be found in the bible. Like I said you either follow satan or you follow God, it's no ones choice but your own by the sovereignty of God.