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Re: Belief in God without Religion? - July 10th 2009, 06:25 AM

Note: What I'm saying here is mostly what I believe, but I'm also playing a little Devil's Advocate. Because my beliefs about God and mixing beliefs and such run a little similar with ConcreteGirl....Anyway..

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
He created us, therefore He has dominion over us. We did not create Him, therefore we do not control Him. Making your own beliefs to Him could be considered blasphemous. It's insulting to Him. Do you know why?
Colossians 1:16 :: For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
You see, this is my problem with the Christian God. Here, he sounds like a DICTATOR, not a God. Yeah he created us, but he didn't create us just so we could worship Him. He did so we could LIVE OUR LIVES in whatever way we so choose. I honestly don't really think God would give a crap if you believed in him or not.

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
If you swap beliefs around, you are saying what He has created for you is not good enough. It is an insult to His glory, for everything was made for His glory the way it is.

Clear? I'm sorry if it's hard to understand.

Also know this; God does not want religion. He wants a relationship with you, and He will have a relationship with every human heart that asks of it.
Swapping beliefs is not an insult AT ALL. He created this Earth and Life. While MEN are the ones who wrote the belief systems and moral codes, such as The Bible. People need to choose beliefs for themselves, and I don't really see how choosing one over another insults God....He's not the one that created them.

I actually believe it would be more of an insult if you stuck to a religion that you personally did not believe. ConcreteGirl has been having doubts about Christianity in itself....Maybe the religion isn't for her. God wouldn't want her to follow something that she had doubts about. And honestly, is it not REASONABLE to have doubts about it considering the world we live in? I'm sure God would understand.

In our current mental state I believe we can only have limited relationship with God....Living your life to the fullest, doing what makes you happy, and standing up for what you believe in is the closest we can come to having a relationship with God.

Originally Posted by Annoni View Post
There is no "right way" of worshipping God. Quite frankly there is only one way: Putting Him above yourself. That is what worship is. But He does give us guidance on how to do it, obviously. I can tell you right now trying to change how God works is not a way, that is putting yourself above Him and what His word says.
I don't believe God asks us to worship him.....You create life just so it could worship you? I don't view God as a pissy deity who cries and sends you to damnation if you don't worship and acknowledge him. That just sounds like a God with too many humanlike qualities. It just doesn't seem reasonable to me. If I were the one who created life, I would want that life to flourish. Worship wouldn't be necessary.