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Re: A victim of Rape - June 29th 2009, 09:10 AM


I am sorry that you have gone through all this. I read your post in the abuse section so I know that your parents are not extremely supportive.

You know what you could try doing for this? Using the alternatives in the self-harm forum. I know that you don't self-harm or I don't think you've mentioned self-harm but binge eating is a coping mechanism and so is self harm.

Anyway, go into the alternatives thread and find some alternatives that you feel might work for you and go from there. One thing I want to say is that it takes a while(usually) for the alternatives to kick in so for a while you might think 'hey these aren't working' but don't give up; keep using them and hopefully your body will say 'I like this instead of the eating.'

Some suggestions when picking out alternatives that might work best is choose the ones that interest you; drawing, writing, reading, walking, etc.

I hope this helped and if you need someone to talk to please feel free to pm me.