Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage??? -
June 28th 2009, 04:24 PM
Your view of liberals is severely warped in my opinion. Most of the politicians in this country are religious, I really don't think that all of the liberals have this agenda where they want to change the church. Because first of all it's stupid to think that the church will ever change and it's even more stupid to think that anyone has a right to tell it to change. I'm sure some do but I highly doubt that all of the liberals out there are like, "Let's change the church. Let's take away their rights to believe what they want to believe."
And there is nothing wrong with kids being taught about gay people in schools, as long as it's a neutral teaching, not against or for, just informative. I'm not talking about teaching them about gay sex life, but just the FACTS about being gay. You say this is wrong because it undermines parents who want to teach their kids that being gay is bad, but I think that that is okay. Personally I don't think that parents should force any of their beliefs, religious or otherwise, on their children. My parents never talked to me about their beliefs on anything and I'm very happy to say that I was able to come to my own conclusions by myself and not by being brainwashed by my parents.
"For Ignorance killed the cat, Curiosity was framed." -Caitlin McGrath
"For this thing we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down." -Mary Pickford
"But the music's so happy!" -Little Sally: Urinetown
"If our own policies aren't supporting equality then what are we fighting for?"- Kathy Griffin