Re: Scientology: Cult or Religion debate -
June 25th 2009, 11:08 PM
I'd consider it a cult but then again, depending on the definition you use, a religion can also be a cult, so in theory, scientology can be both a religion and a cult. However, paying to be part of the group seems a bit odd to me. If you stop paying, then you're out? That sounds more like a business to me rather than a religion. However, I would consider it a cult (bare in mind though my first sentence).
About the south park episode offending them... just let it go. It's a cartoon, there's a warning before hand that it may offend viewers, there's an age-rating on it, so you went in knowing you may be offended by it. Whining that you were offended by it is only going to make those people look childish for their behavior.