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Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage??? - June 20th 2009, 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by slickguy55 View Post
Well you failed to address my point I posted earlier on the previous page, it answers you question.

"Who is THEY? Some people have argued that they DO want to do that (change the church), even on here. So probably a lot more people want to change the church than you believe/ want to believe. It is obvious that you are not speaking for the whole movement, and there are parts of the movement that are more threatening to the church that you do not speak for."

Again, you don't speak for the whole movement when you say "they don't want to change the church". I'm sure there are probably plenty of gays who don't want that to happen. But the politicians, the ones IN CHARGE of the movement, do want this to happen.

You are WAY off base with your ridiculous hypothetical situations. Freedom of religion is CLEARLY allowed to the people by the Bill of Rights. The right to be homosexual is also in the bill of rights, but it does not ensure them the right to get married in the bill of rights. Since their right to marry is not in the bill of rights, then there has to be a separate law to ensure that, and separate laws are up to the people.
However in the court case Loving v. Virginia it was ruled that interracial marriage could not be illegal because of the 14th amendment which states that every American citizen has a right to basic human liberties and the court ruled that marriage is a basic human liberty. So are gays not American then?

Also you keep saying that laws are up to the people but that's not always true. The illegalization of alchohol came from an amendment, sure it was caused by SOME people speaking out and complaining and starting the illegalization of their own, but the law came from the amendment which was made by the government, and the law was removed by the government. There were no votes. Same thing happened with abortion, and note that at least recently every time a state tries to pass a law that would restrict abortion it fails. So obviously some times we can trust the government to make decisions for us, that's why we put them there.

"For Ignorance killed the cat, Curiosity was framed." -Caitlin McGrath

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