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Name: Amanda.
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Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage??? -
June 20th 2009, 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by Khadra
I fail to see how what we're saying differs.
I am not saying christians don't have the right to believe what they do. I'm just saying they have no right to impose it on others. Equal rights are not something that should be voted on. If all the men voted that women should get less pay would you say that's not discrimination since they have the right to vote whatever they want? The population does not get to decide who is given rights and who is not. EVERYBODY is supposed to have EQUAL rights.
This is what I have been saying! As part of equal rights, everybody has the right to believe what they want to believe, which is stated in the first amendment. Therefore, everyone is able to vote for or against whatever the issue may be. Just because you do not agree with the belief of another does not mean you are any more superior than they are. WE ALL HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS. Rights to believe that gays should not be married, and rights to believe that they should be able to be married. That is exactly what I have said from my first post. Everyone is going to disagree, but attacking Christians and those against gay marriage solves absolutely nothing. As I said, both sides are guilty. Homosexuals for attacking Christians, Christians for attacking homosexuals. Neither side is perfect. It will not be perfect if homosexuality is made illegal, for that will not be fair to the homosexuals. It will not be fair to the Christians if gay marriage remains legal. So you see, it's not simply "poor homosexuals" because their beliefs are not the only beliefs at stake here.
A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts