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Name: Amanda.
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Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage??? -
June 20th 2009, 07:29 AM
Alright, so I am assuming that you two are on the same side of this argument. Yet you state:
Originally Posted by Grizabella
For the billionth time, Christians are not expected to change their beliefs. We are talking about secular marriage, which has nothing to do with christians. What part of this confuses you? Court houses would be allowed to marry same sex couples, and churches would be allowed to continue rejecting them.
And you state:
Originally Posted by Khadra
I don't care what christians do or do not abolish in their church. I care about what they abolish in the GOVERNMENT. Who do you think voted against gay marriage in California? CHRISTIANS. The church in California had a massive campiagn for people to vote against legalizing same-sex marriage. Keep your religion to your church and I'm happy, imposing it on governmental policy is incredibly wrong.
I'm not accusing you of being discriminatory. I'm TELLING you that you are, because you are. Denying people equal rights is the definition of discrimination. It IS the same as letting women be paid less than men for the same job. The government is not a religious institution and has NO basis for keeping same-sex marriage illegal.
Part of having equal rights is to have the right to vote however you feel is best. If you believe that gay marriage should be made illegal, then of course that is how you would cast your vote. If you are saying that Christians should not vote for what they believe, then you are telling them not to believe what they do believe, which in my opinion, is just as bad as Christian's telling you that you cannot marry the same sex. Both sides are guilty of not treating each other as equal, and neither is willing to admit it.
And simply because I am seeming to be against gay marriage does not mean that I actually am, you know. There is always the possibility that I accept and understand both sides of the argument. So you calling me discriminatory is completely ridiculous. The bottom line is that you are guilty of being discriminatory also, as you are saying that Christians are wrong for voting against gay marriage, when their right as Americans is to vote for the side of the disagreement that they believe is right, isn't that correct?
A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts
