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Name: Amanda.
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Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage??? -
June 20th 2009, 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive
"this" Declaration is the basis for all human rights throughout all of the United Nations. And the UN must follow that code. The UN includes the United States.
Everyone has the right to marriage. Everyone. Why should we put gays in a little bubble by themselves? We might as well also say that we can contest African Americans' right to marry because it does not specifically say that they have the right to. Homosexuals ARE people and therefore they, along with everyone else, must legally have all of the rights that the Declaration promises.
According to that very declaration you mentioned:
"Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family." Apparently the very declaration you are speaking of also leaves out homosexuals.
A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts