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kaytastrophie_xo Offline
Ignorance is bliss..
Average Joe
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Name: A.
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Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe - January 15th 2009, 05:57 AM

That is exactly the reason people won't let you go; because they do care. I won't promise you anything because at the end of the day it's how you handle it but I can give you advice on how you can feel like everyone has promised you can.

You're right, it is time for you to do something for yourself, but killing yourself shouldn't fall in that catagory. You need to reach out. Use that voice that you were given and tell someone that you seriously need help getting through everything right now. Tell someone of the suicide attempts. Tell someone that if your current situation doesn't change that you will kill yourself. If you let someone know they can help you, you just have to find the right person.

I know how it feels to have absolutly no will to live, I almost attempted a few times. But I found something to live for; my sister. If you can't find something for yourself then find someone else. I know there is someone or something out there you're holding on to because otherwise you wouldn't still be here. Just take a tighter grip on that and don't let go.

Please don't give up. You may not feel like you are willing to wait for happiness to come but once it does you will know that waiting was worth it.

If you want to talk, I'm here.
Stay strong hunn.

Originally joined: June 2008

" He has no remorse for his actions,
And feels nothing but pleasure.
To see her suffer is his joy-
And her innocence is his treasure. "

is this what you really want from me..?