22:33 [markasaurusREX] It's sad when people don't know if you're a boy or girl..
22:33 [eaty] It is
22:33 [exodus] Everyone knows I'm a girl
22:33 [exodus] :]
22:33 [exodus] Scrappsdpfapsdfpa
22:33 [exodus] CRAP
22:33 [exodus] NO
22:34 [exodus] crap
22:34 [exodus] dmanit
22:34 [eaty] Yep
22:34 [exodus] see what you didd to me ark
22:34 [exodus]

22:34 [exodus] mark*
22:34 [exodus]

22:34 [xxPinkie24] lmao
22:34 [exodus] Everyone knows I'm a boy!*****
22:34 [Crystal_] hello
22:34 [Pro_kidneyTheif] everyone asks me if im a boy or gike 12 times.
22:34 [exodus] That better not make an appearnce in the chat thread
22:34 [exodus] xD