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pbandjay Offline
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Re: Religion or Science... Why not Both? - June 17th 2009, 07:19 AM

Aren't most faiths and religions based on miracles? And a miracle can be considered something that can't be scientifically explained. Bam! (lol I'm in a weird mood today)

I do believe that there are many assumptions in scientific study that in which we must have faith as well.

A mathematical example is this: Where did the number 1 come from? Did we not create the numbers? How do we know that 1+1=2? This seems trivial to show but mathematically can we even prove it? Or do we just assume it is true based on our own definitions? Yes, we do have a lot of math that we have studied, but could it all be based on something that we created and defined ourselves?

There are many basic assumptions in science as well, and there are many resources that write about them. Most of them are something along the lines of:

The Universe is real (i.e. true/physical universe).
It is orderly.
There are laws that govern the universe and they are understandable/discoverable.
They don't change with spacetime.
All of our ideas can be changed according to what information we have and discover in time.
We have our human senses and they are reliable.
(probably many more...)

Bleh bleh.. So I guess my point is this: Don't we have to believe in science as well?