Originally Posted by BigBL87
The thing is, I don't need God's existence to be empirically proved to me to believe. I see evidence, data if you prefer, that leads me to believe in God's existence. The Big Bang, the design I see in nature, history, etc. lead me to believe that God exists. So, I while there is not proof, there is evidence to the affirmative, so at worst I would say it is inconclusive.
Oh I understand that you don't need empirical evidence proved to you in order for you to believe, that attitude just somewhat clashes with science. I can't say I've ever seen any evidence to the affirmative for God?
Under the scientific method here, I would challenge you to prove to me macro-evolution. The fact is, we see evidence of it in the fossil record (just has I see evidence of God in history, nature, cosmology, etc), but we are not able to directly observe the evolution of one species into another. So, under your reasoning, macro-evolution doesn't jive with science either.
But there is plenty of evidence for macro-evolution? There is no need to directly observe it for there to be sufficient proof for it. Similarly macro-evolution (if you will accept speciation as macro-evolution) has been observed.