Originally Posted by swimmer92
I believe in creation and I believe every word the Bible says, and in the book of Colossians it warns people about philosophy and human tradition. I believe that Satan uses science to take people from God
FWIW, it is Colossians 2:8, which is essentially warning against the heresy of Gnosticism, not against science.
Originally Posted by Laura
Science is fact and theories. Religion is based on stories.
Therfore they clash. If God and Science work together, then what about evoloution? Our gene pools?
Our world is created from particles, nothing more.
I would say that science is theories (nothing in science is really ever completely certain, after all), whereas religion is faith/belief. I would object to stories, personally, because the Bible has been shown to be historically accurate, at least in some portions, on numerous occasions.
Also, I have a hard time with saying that evolution and genes mean that Science and God cannot coexist. I am a Christian, and believe that evolution is a potentially valid belief in how the world came to be as it is. From an Old Earth Creationist/Theistic Evolutionist perspective on Genesis, there really isn't anything that conflicts, with the exception of Darwinian Evolution being based completely on chance and all. As far as genes go, considering that the recently retired head of the Human Genome Project (Francis Collins) is a Christian, I find it hard to say they can't mix.