Originally Posted by Jack
But surely "it's disgusting" isn't a valid reason for making something illegal or deeply frowning upon it? I'm pretty sure quite a lot of people would find pictures of surgery disgusting but it's a very necessary practice.
I completely agree.
If some of you could see the stories of the ladies on the PASS (Post Abortion Stress Syndrome) boards that I'm on, you would most likely rethink how you word some of this...
Honestly, it's a choice. No one can control another person's mind. Therefore, only the woman who is pregnant can decide if she wants to get an abortion. A person can influence, but not control the other. It is not illegal. Thus a choice is possible.
You can judge, argue, and debate all you want, but in the end, it is the woman's choice, and no one else's. She is the one who decides.
We live in a world where free-will is slowly dissapearing. The ability to decide.
This has gone from a debate about abortion, to adoption, to what stage of pregnancy is considered life, a baby, etc.