I Hate The Doctors In My Area -
June 7th 2009, 03:20 PM
I've gone to 2 doctors and they refuse to help me with my Anorexia. I'm probably not skinny enough for them so they think I'm looking for attention. But, I'm not. In fact, I hate to have attention on me especially about this. Sometimes I wish that I didn't tell anyone about my eating disorder because nobody will help me it seems like until I get super skinny and I'll never know when that is because to me I'm always fat. Like the time when I lost xxxlbs everyone around me was saying how great I looked when I was thinking all the time "Where? I can't tell. in fact, I didn't even notice that I lost weight."
And now that I want help, nobody wants to help me even with the fat that I'll get an ulcer if I continue what I'm doing. They still don't care. They told my mom when I wasn't there to just make me eat or let me starve to death because they won't do nothing to help me. How pathetic is that?
Everthing I see seems to be a lie. And everything you see in me you think is the truth. But, really all you see is what I'm masking the real me with. You never see me cry. Because I'll never let you. And you'll never see me die because I feel like I already have in a way.

Last edited by ForeverAutumn*; June 7th 2009 at 04:06 PM.
Reason: Removing weight numbers [: