Thread: Triggering: Abortion is wrong.
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  (#214 (permalink)) Old
PhoenixAlive Offline
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Re: Abortion is wrong. - June 5th 2009, 06:07 PM

Originally Posted by newvisionofreality View Post
I just re-read my post (Was in a terrible mood when i read it) and realised how i didn't make the sence of what i wanted it to.
I mean theres a possibility of mental and physical effects. You can't treat abortion so vaguely "Abortion is wrong." i think it depends on the situation.
Mental -- If the woman who falls pregnant is emotionally unstable and/or is going to be a terrible mother and be unable to look after the baby - giving it the love and support it needs then of course that woman should not be having this baby. It could cause so much stress and lead to depression,etc. And yes of course theres the adoption idea, but you dont seem to recognise the struggle taht would be for the mother after carrying this baby for 9 months and then giving it up, not to mention the strain on the baby as it grows up with all these questions and self doubt (not meaning to generalise as im sure its completely different for each and every case, but just thinking of the possibilities)
Physical -- Young mothers in particular or older women who happen to fall pregnant just arnt always physically capable of having a baby due to high complications etc.

I just think that you shouldn't treat the cases so black and white. I know that what ive said isn't a particuarly strong arguement but i just want to open narrow minds to the shades of grey.
I've already agreed that if its a matter of medical complications creating risk to the mother, or rape, I agree with terminating the pregnancy. So yes, I was aware of these grey areas.

Originally Posted by xxEllexx View Post
no i absolutely wouldn't risk my life for a stranger or someone i didn't care about. sometimes you've gotta look out for number one, eh?

the answer is no.. so i guess the second part isn't really relevent.
Oh, okay. Guess that one fell flat... I thought the answers would pretty much all be yes on that question. Sorry about that.

Last edited by PhoenixAlive; June 5th 2009 at 06:10 PM. Reason: Multiple posts have been merged automatically.