Re: Abortion is wrong. -
June 5th 2009, 05:17 PM
Eh. So after reading 5 pages of this junk, I'll put my two cents in.
I, personally, relate a freshly fertilised egg to a quickly growing cancer, on the relation that it could definitely ruin my life. This is because I'm 20 years old and fuck if I'm going to wait and let that bundle of cells actually develop into a human being that I have to give up my life for. I don't want a baby right now. I can't care for a baby right now. And fuck, I don't feel like dealing with the family and their mixed reactions. Don't come at me with "then don't have sex!" Because I will jump through the screen, find out where you live, and smack you.
The idea that people just DON'T HAVE SEX is ridiculous. Religious dicks out there are trying to stop people from doing what they are BIOLOGICALLY PROGRAMMED TO DO. But, being blessed with the ability to think, we can have sex and avoid having babies as a result. Actually, there was a thread in Religion+Philos (for the sake of the religious folk in here) where someone said that God didn't make it possible for women to get pregnant every day of her life, so sex is obviously not just about offspring. It's about a close, humanly connection to another person.
And, for the sake of argument, let's say your (anyone) daughter gets pregnant. Rape or whatever. Your choice. She DOES NOT WANT THIS BABY. But because you're the parent, and you are overtly against abortion, you refuse it. Adoption might be one thing, or keeping the baby. Your daughter will more than likely resent you for making her go through 9 months of psychological torture for keeping a growing thing inside of her, or if she was raped, holy shit. Fuck that noise. I would be out of there and in a clinic in no time.
So in short, I don't think that having an abortion is wrong. It makes no matter to me WHY you do it, because that's between you and the doctor and perhaps God, depending on your beliefs.
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