Thread: Triggering: Abortion is wrong.
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Re: Abortion is wrong. - June 5th 2009, 03:48 PM

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Originally Posted by Josh View Post
Abortion's wrong. Clear and simple. Yesterday I spotted a thread at the pregnancy forum that really disturbed me - about someone getting or considering getting an abortion.
Abortion is wrong, yes. But have you thought about the many women and girls who have had no other choice? Who've been forced into it. Whether they are forced by the father or their parents?

You chose to have sex. You have to deal with the consequences. Your parents find out? Big deal. The "pregnancy pain" worries you? Big deal. You didn't have to have sex. But, you did - you have a life growing inside you now and you have to follow it through.
Yes, I chose to have sex, but that doesn't mean that I was afraid of the consequences. I was happy when I found out I was pregnant. I was excited. My fiance was a different story. He was angry. He told me that either I got an abortion or I would be kicked out onto the streets. I was 17, still in school, and 13 hours away from any family that I have. On top of that, he told me that he would sue me if I tried to give "his baby" up for adoption. I did not know about the options I know about now.

Embryo stage of life DOES exist. I can testify to this and so can numerous other adoptees, who's only memory of our mothers exist in that stage of life. I can't explain what happens, why it happens, only that I know it does and research has proven that this is the case. You're killing life.
I do not deny that after that first second of when sperm and egg meet is life.

I had no other choice.

Abortion's only right under one condition - such as a couple who keep trying to have a child only to lead to children being born with severe birth defects. Or if medically it's able to predict if the child will be born with any painful defects. If you're responsible enough to have sex, from that point onwards you have to grow up. Being responsible is not getting an abortion out of fear of giving birth, your parents finding out, or what your classmates may think - that's immature.
I was not afraid of what my classmates would think. I was happy. I didn't care about the pain of birth. It is something that almost every woman goes through at some point or another.

All I knew was that I had a life inside me that was a piece of both me and my fiance and that we had created it. I honestly thought that he was going to feel the same way.

Being responsible is doing what's best for the baby.
I did what was best for my baby. I chose to send my baby up to heaven rather than have him born into a house that was emotionally, and eventually physically abusive. I would not put my child, my son, my baby, my angel into that situation.

And as for how old you are - ever hear of adoption? You don't need to raise it, just don't kill it. It's not that hard, why anyone would choose abortion above adoption as a solution beyond selfish reasons is way beyond me unless there's chance of pain for the child.
You're right, there is such thing as adoption. I knew that I was not ready to have a child. I knew that I didn't have the means to take care of my baby, and I did not want to abort him. But... As I said above, I was 17, still in school, 13 hours from any family, being threatened with being sued if I ever tried to give "his baby" up for adoption.

I know this post is highly accusatory, but it really disturbed me and I felt I couldn't let this go without saying something about it.
You're damn right it is accusatory. Sometimes, there are times where you need to shut your mouth and not say anything.

You do not know the story behind why the girl in the P&C section had an abortion.

You know my story now. Perhaps, next time you want a debate you shouldn't be so accusatory, hurtful, and do some more research.

Originally Posted by Josh View Post
but I do wonder whether or not some women may regret it later on in their life and wish that they would have held in there and given the child up for adoption.
I do regret it. It's not my fault though. I made the best choice I could at the time with the information I had.

My Beautiful Daughter

Born: March 4, 2010 at 2:32 pm.
She was: 6 pounds & 4 ounces at 20 inches long.

She is with her new family, Brian & Jessica who love her almost as much as I do.

Last edited by JoJoWildHorse; June 5th 2009 at 03:49 PM. Reason: Multiple posts have been merged automatically.