Thread: Triggering: Abortion is wrong.
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Re: Abortion is wrong. - June 5th 2009, 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by Josh View Post
Still another side of the coin, would you eliminate a life growing inside you just because it was a painful experience of what happened to you? Believe me, that I can sympathsize with - but, again, why is abortion a necessity over simply giving the child up for adoption?

I'm not saying that those who get pregnant have to raise the child, it would probably be painful for many in that scenario - a constant reminder. I can understand that. What I can't seem to grasp is why anyone would choose abortion over adoption.
Rape is a very painful thing. And if you happen to get pregnant, it is so much worse.Because you are carrying a part of him in you. And the daily reminders would be too painful to bear.
Originally Posted by Josh View Post
I still don't see how rape could constitute to someone taking a life and thinking it's right. I'd actually believe, psychologically she'd be worse off...
But a woman might not see it as that. She has this thing growing inside of her, this thing that will be a constant reminder of him. She has to live with it feeding off her body for months.

I know that if I was raped, I would have an abortion.If you force a woman to keep the baby the came from rape, or even to just have it, well you will destroy her. If I was forced to have the product of rape, I would more than likely kill myself, just so I didn't have his child.

Originally Posted by xHolyValorx View Post

I think getting raped as a man would hurt far more than a woman. Depending on the preference you are raped as.
Right. Rape is equally painful no matter whether you are male or female.


I have never spoken one word against rape victims. I have never called them weak. Only that I believe it would be more psychologically draining for them to abort than to give the child up for adoption. I'd say the rape would stick with her, but you add that on top of the possible guilt she may feel after the abortion? I seriously think it would haunt her a lot more for the rest of her life.
I take it you have never been raped. I, myself, have not, I have friends who have been raped. If you get pregnant from rape, it's not your fault, you shouldn't have to have the baby. Because, while some may feel guilt for aborting the product of rap, many will not. They would be getting that piece of him out of them.

Originally Posted by xHolyValorx View Post
Okay okay okay... Let's stop with this feminist view. There are two people in sex. So a mother has the only right when It comes to the child now? What kind of world do you all live in? This is wrong. Basically we're all getting pregnant, and once the deed is done, the father has lost all of his rights? It's half of him. And It's his offspring. Some of these children turn into men, good men, that may have an important role in society. My point is. If you're male, you have no right? That's BULL.
Yes, but a woman carries the baby. Some fathers don't care at all, but might be against you aborting their baby, even if they aren't there, so no they have no say. It's a woman's body. It will always be here body. If she wants to share it for nine months or not, that is up to her.

A baby should never be a consequence. A baby should never be a punishment. It should be a blessing, it should be wanted. If it's not wanted, then they shouldn't have the baby.

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