Thread: Triggering: Abortion is wrong.
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Re: Abortion is wrong. - June 5th 2009, 12:16 AM

I am not saying that adoption is bad! I am saying there ARE instances when abortion is GOOD! You are also very lucky to have found a family that you seem to be happy with (I assume). I have a friend who is adopted and she HATES her family. They are not abusive, but she just doesn't connect with them. She also has tried many many times to find her real parents. She cuts herself over it and has been suicidal in the past. Okay, that is only one case, sure. But there are two sides to adoption, it's not always going to work out for the best. To be honest, my main point was about the rape.....

Personally, the only reason I would ever abort a child would be if it were due to rape. In any other case I would keep the child 100%. But I am saying that there are other people who want to abort, who's to say they can't?! If the parents do not want the child... its their choice.