Originally Posted by sushi_error
Honestly, I think it is difficult to take a 'side' on this hot-button issue, because many of us may never go through teenage pregnancy. In the end, I don't think it is fair that someone should make a decision for someone else, because they are NOT in that position. Plus, I would hope that a woman weighs all of her options, before making a final decision.
This is why in an earlier post I stated one possibility to ease situations is that parental consult for those under a certain age is needed and required. Kind of like anything else - driving, alcohol, etc. Because from what I've seen what clouds many in early pregnancy are more the "fears" of what will happen if anyone finds out due to the stigma than weighing all options. This provide support and aleviate those fears by having a parental figure involved. I believe if this was the case, there'd probably be fewer abortions among early pregnancies because it would be more a question of what's best for the child than "oh my god, what if they find out? I'm doomed!" which seems to stain a lot of thoughts from what I've seen.