Thread: Triggering: Abortion is wrong.
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Re: Abortion is wrong. - June 4th 2009, 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by Boo Ghost View Post
You've asked why people would choose abortion over adoption well I can answer that. When I have my first child I want it to be because I want it and because I want to look after it. If I found out I was pregnant tomorrow I would get an abortion simply because I don't want to have a child now because I want a stable career and I want to be married before having a child.
See, these are the kinds of reasons I'm talking about and the kind of thinking I'm talking about. So because you want to have a baby later, stable career and be married you'd get an abortion rather than sending that child away via adoption? It's not always about you and what you want, that's part of growing up and becoming responsible. If you get pregnant, it's about what's best for the child - not you're future.

I guess that's where I differ from most people, if a girl ever got pregnant I'd be there with her one hundred percent. We'd make the decision of letting our child be adopted or - if we're capable - raising it on our own. I'd sacrifice willingly anything and everything in my life for the sake my child without thinking twice about it. I have a future, that future is coming together faster and more than a lot can say... friends with an academy award winner's son and an internship at a TOP film company. But, I'd drop it all if I ever got a girl pregnant, that's why I've waited off on sex- I know what it can bring.

If you truly want what's best for the child and aren't able to support it, you'd opt for adoption. It may be hard, yes, it's hard on both parties. But, it beats the alternative by and far. I mean, with all these new age thinkers of self-serving, I'd be dead.

Initially, yeah, there is anger at the birth mother. But, then you get over that and understand her scenario and she her as a hero for what she did for you. She could have killed me any chance she got, but she didn't. She choose to be strong.

Originally Posted by Boo Ghost View Post
Isn't the mother having to give up her baby also emotional on her too? And when the child finds out that its mother didn't want it wouldn't that be emotional for them too?
It is emotional, but it beats the alternative. Remember you're talking to someone with FIRST HAND experience with this. I'd much rather be alive than dead.

Last edited by ThePunkAlien; June 4th 2009 at 05:10 PM. Reason: Multiple posts have been merged automatically.