Originally Posted by Taz1992
For the girls.... just an observation but you always seem to complain about going out with idiots. But when I look around I see plenty of guys that would treat you well and give you a great relationship but they seem invisible to you in this sense. Why don't you see these guys like this?
Haha, the ladder theory is hilarious (and true in some aspects, I won't lie), but it's not everything.
Personally, I mean it when I say I'm attracated to confidence. I also like guys who are genuinely good, but in my experiences, the guys who are generally good never have the confidence to ask me out.
To generalize, I find hypocrisy in the whole system. Guys complain about girls only dating "bad guys" but they never have the courage to make a move or do something out of their comfort zone. One guy I was attracted to (and considered "bad" by that narrow definition) got my attention by simply giving me the time of day. He seemed interested in me and asked me out to my face, with no fear (he admitted to me later on that he was quite nervous).
A lot of girls are attracted to the "right" kinds of guys. Why can't guys see those girls? Why can't they make a move on them?