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Algernon Offline
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Name: Holly
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Re: Superstition and Religion - May 31st 2009, 03:47 AM

Originally Posted by Oiseau the Little Bird! View Post
I was listening to a podcast of the Pagan variety, and the subject of superstition came up, and I got thinking about it and religion.
Now, I don't mean to be ignorant, but I try to learn about everything as much as I can, and the only way to stop being ignorant is to ask questions. So I ask everyone -- of every faith system, but particularly Christians (just because I'm curious) -- how do you deal with superstition? In your particular practice, would superstition be considered anti-religious (i.e., are some traditional superstitions considered so be sinful)? What superstitions do you hold close to you? You know just stuff like that. Thanks a bunch!

My church would probably be against this... But It's human. We are superstitious creatures. That's why we are so interested in magic and horror films. The fact that the evil "Is out there" or "Is in us" (in the words of John Carpenter) is intriguing.

If you're interested in what I just said, here's a link

Geek? Nerd? More like intellectual badass.

"You ran through Africa, and Asia, and Indonesia.. And now I've found you, and I love you. I want to know your name."

Last edited by Algernon; May 31st 2009 at 03:48 AM. Reason: added link.