Originally Posted by alythegr8
Are looks important?
Do you like to hold hands or that too "girly"?
Do you prefer when we smell like perfume, or simply body wash?
Well yes. In a sense they are important. But by 'looks' i don't mean you need to be incredibly good looking for me to be interested in you, no not at all.
For me, there just needs to be something that attracts me. Something that interests me.
But really, I'm not going to refuse a conversation with you because of how you look. So just spark a conversation. Once you've talked to me and there's something else for me to like; your personality. Looks become almost irrelevant to my attraction.
Holding hands?
I love holding hands, i really don't think anything is too 'girly' and in my opinion if someone else does then they're just being close minded :\
I don't mind, I think girls smell nice either way. So whichever you prefer, if you choose perfume. Just be moderate.
I'm not personally a big fan of makeup. Generally i prefer just some black eye liner and nothing else. But yeah if you wanna use some makeup, use it to ENHANCE. Don't try to make yourself something you're not, fake is not attractive.