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thelifeandtimes Offline
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Name: Emma-Marie
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Location: ALBERTA

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I'm confused and lonely, but I dont want to be in a relationship. - May 26th 2009, 11:13 PM

So I guess I should start this by saying that on Sunday I'll be sixteen and Ive never been in a relationship, kissed a boy, or anything of the sort. Now I know that there's nothing wrong with that, but it gets embarrassing when girls go in a circle admitting 'how far they've gone.' At school, all I hear is boys talking about pussy, or how they 'got some' over the weekend.

Maybe it's just the fact that I've never had a boyfriend, or that I've never done /anything/. It's just.. None of this has ever interested me. At all.

Today at school, my best friend told me about her adventure in the back seat over the weekend. And I was startled. I didn't know what to say, at all. And as if that wasn't enough, right after that in my science class, Bettina and Vicky started talking about how far they've gone, and that there must be something wrong with you if you've still be single and 'inexperienced' up until now.

I just think there's something wrong with me. I like boys, but they don't like me. I've only had two crushes in my life. One for two weeks (We just turned out to be good friends, who told each other EVERYTHING. Actually, he just told me about all the shit he did with girls at parties), and the other one has actually lasted for almost a year. Nothing's happened with either of these boys.
In fact, I don't even talk to them anymore. First crush (party boy?) became a bit of a jerk once he got a girlfriend, and second [kind of current, but just in the back of my head] crush is graduating, and goes to a different high school. The most I see of him is his facebook statuses.

I've seen what sex and 'other things' have done to most boys. I've lost at least for guy friends, because they've become cocky assholes after they got some ass.

I know I'm still young, and I have time to find someone, but what do I do about now? I don't want to be in a relationship, and I definitely don't want to mess around. I’m pretty confused, actually.
What’s wrong with me?

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