Originally Posted by trying_to_get_control
Okay, so I completely believe in God, don't get me wrong. I believe in most of what the Holy Bible says, and I know there is a heaven and hell. And I do believe that you can sin, and to get to heaven you need forgiveness. But I do not believe that going to church every Sunday and Wednesday is the correct thing. I don't think it is wrong, and I wouldn't mind going to church a little more regular anyway, but still, I don't believe that "drinking" is a sin, and that to get to heaven you have to be perfect. I don't believe there is perfect, I believe many people who have done wrong things have still got to heaven...
What's your opinion?
I, personally, think that this whole "gotta get to heaven" mindset is a problem. Why think "I gotta do what it takes to get to heaven."? Christianity has so ingrained this invalid point into society that one almost must congratulate them.
I think that we should be focused more on a "how can we make where we are now more like heaven" attitude and worry less about getting to "heaven". If God intended for us to be in Heaven He would have made us there. He didn't, he put us here to "work and tend" the garden (which I believe we are still in.) Let's focus on that and I'm sure if we try hard enough then any "heaven" to go to will be inhabited by those who did good.