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vee_vee Offline
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Name: Verena
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Re: What's your opinion? (any religion) - May 21st 2009, 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by trying_to_get_control View Post
Okay, so I completely believe in God, don't get me wrong. I believe in most of what the Holy Bible says, and I know there is a heaven and hell. And I do believe that you can sin, and to get to heaven you need forgiveness. But I do not believe that going to church every Sunday and Wednesday is the correct thing. I don't think it is wrong, and I wouldn't mind going to church a little more regular anyway, but still, I don't believe that "drinking" is a sin, and that to get to heaven you have to be perfect. I don't believe there is perfect, I believe many people who have done wrong things have still got to heaven...

What's your opinion?
I think the whole point of God saying you have to be perfect to get into heaven was to show you that you need Jesus. none of us are perfect not one of us. But when Jesus is in you God sees him in us, he doesn't see your sins he throws them as far as the east is from the west (which goes on forever) all he sees is his perfect son in you.

As for the church thing i don't think that going to church consistently ornot going consistently is wrong. But God does say he wants us to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in christ, because he knows we need encouragement, but it doesn't mean you have to go to church 2 times a week. It could be just you and a few of your friends meeting maybe even every couple weeks. At a coffee shop or the park, doing a little devotion together. The thing is we do need the pastors at church because they help us to interpret things in the word that we wouldn't off the top of our heads know or understand. especially when it comes to hebrew culture of the day as it pretains to the word and how it was written.