Originally Posted by mexico
So you got suspended for not standing up?
Out of respect for those around you and in respect of the flag you should stand and remain standing for the entirety of the pledge. If there is a line you don't agree with just don't say the pledge. Stand quietly with your hands at your side in respect. As long as you honor the flag and what it stands for and you believe in it then you shouldn't feel bad.
If the "under God" line bugs you, just refrain from saying that part. If I were you I would just view the pledge as declaration of your patriotism and remembrance for those who have died for this country and ignore the God part since it goes against your beliefs.
In my case, I am not American, but I do stand up for the pledge and the national anthem to follow the customs and show my respect. I do the same for other countries and I expect others to do the same in my country. One doesn't have to repeat a pledge or sign along but one should show a symbolic respect if you get what I mean.
But see in my case I'm against the plege as a whole. I mean why should I pledge my alligence to a piece of fabric that is supposed to represent something that doesn't exist anymore if it ever did. Do I support our troups (not what they are doing exactly but it's not their fault they are there so I have nothing against them personally and hope that they all come home safe) so yes. Do I believe in the principles this country was built on, yes. Do I think that our country is anywhere near where it's supposed to be, no. I mean the pledge is a lie in my opinion and I shouldn't have to say it.
On topic I really don't care about the God line God is everywhere here, it's on the money I mean this country is mostly Christian the founding father were Christian we can't escape that. I do believe that religion needs to stay out of public schools and private schools that are not religiously based.