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Re: The less-homework revolution? - January 13th 2009, 03:29 PM

I don't mind revision style homework as I do that anyway. I go through what I have studied and summarize it in notes which I read over before exams.
I do think homework is needed in the High school but now I am doing A levels we should not be getting as much homework as we are.
We keep getting told we are not supposed to rely on the teachers as much and it is "Independent study" to prepare us for Uni.
Apparently we should do an hour at home for every subject everyday, I do that with my own "Independent study" anyway and then I have the homework on top of that.

Today we got 66 maths questions for homework all on the same topic after the first 20 I get bored because they are the same questions but different numbers and I know I can do it but we have to do all of them by Thursday.

Last edited by Melody Pond; January 13th 2009 at 04:00 PM.