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Brandon Offline
I can't get enough
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Name: Brandon
Age: 34
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Pronouns: Apache helicopter

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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I - May 18th 2009, 12:15 AM

Are looks important? Yes, looks do matter. Personality also matters -- you can't really have one without the other. This goes for both men and women.

Do you like to hold hands or that too "girly"? Holding hands isn't too "girly", but an excessive amount of holding hands isn't that great. Can't go wrong with an arm holding your waist or an arm on the opposite shoulder. But I think it's perfectly fine for young teenagers to hold hands.

Do you prefer when we smell like perfume, or simply body wash? Nothing wrong with smelling like perfume as long as you keep perfume in moderation. Too much perfume and our eyes will be watering and all that junk. Just keep it in moderation and you'll be fine. Even body wash will do -- as long as you don't smell bad (which I think is hard for a woman to do...they just naturally smell good or something) then you should be okay.

Makeup? Nothing wrong with a little bit of makeup, but keep it in moderation. Wearing too much makeup makes guys think you're fake...and guys don't like girls who look fake.