Thread: Triggering: WHY
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WHY - January 23rd 2025, 03:32 PM

This thread has been labeled as triggering by the original poster or by a Moderator. Please take this into consideration before continuing to read.

WHY did 7 year old me have the cops called on her
WHY did 9 year old me get raped by my best friend
WHY did 10 year old me run away from home
WHY did 10 year old me have DCF over 10 times.
WHY did 10 year old me start self-harming
WHY did 10 year old me almost get murdered twice
WHY did 10 year old me get sexually abused by a teacher
WHY did 11 year old me get physically abused by a kid in school
WHY did 11 year old me try to kill herself
WHY did 11 year old me go inpatient
WHY did 11 year old me develop an eating disorder
WHY did 11 year old me develop physical illnesses
WHY did 11 year old me get diagnosed with chronic joint pain
WHY did 12 year old me go inpatient twice
WHY did 12 year old me have to get over 10 welfare checks done but only 6 sending me to the ER.
WHY did 12 year old me try to overdose
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