Thread: Triggering (Bullying): Bullying at school
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Bullying at school - January 23rd 2025, 01:53 AM

This thread has been labeled as triggering, particularly on the subject of peer pressure or bullying, by the original poster or by a Moderator. The contents of this thread might therefore not be suitable for certain sensitive users. Please take this into consideration before continuing to read.

So today I was in the lunch line, I was already depressed when my abuser came up behind me. I thought: "We're in public, she won't talk to me" but she did. She called me a big back(I'm recovering from anorexia). So I didn't eat lunch because I was self-conscious. I go to French afterward and my French teacher goes "What's wrong" Me: "Nothing" Her: "Don't lie to me, something wrong" Me; "It's nothing to worry about" Her: "It's something to worry about" ME: "Fine... I got called a couple of names during lunch, but it's whatever" and she said: "Who was it? What'd they say? Did you report it to the back office? Are you okay? I get why you're insecure now." So she made me feel a bit better...but still I was sad. I had already been depressed and Ms. M kept asking me if I was okay. But wtv..idec,
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