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Physical health. - December 24th 2024, 04:31 PM

So lately my bodys been reallly...weird. For the past two years I've had these lightheaded spells and I don't know what's causing it. I get really lightheaded and my heart rate spikes up(over 30 beats of what it was), and it does that mainly when I'm standing. But it can happen while I'm sitting but very rarely. The only thing that helps it is laying down.
Also this morning I woke up and there's a red line on my eye and it's itching and burning and I don't know what's causing it. I'm kind of panicking because I told my grandmother and she couldn't see it so I have to tell my parents. My grandmother thinks I either scratched my eye or have pink eye(though pink eye doesn't form in a line like it is)
What should I do???
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